5. What kinds of transportation do you use? How much time is spent in transport? Wasan and Amira take the bus together to the airport. Every morning Abed Ali drives his wife to her job on the way to his office. Falah goes to school in downtown Baghdad by bus. The other kids walk to the school which is near their house. When they have a car, the Iraqi people drive big American cars and Japanese ones too. The average Iraqi family has a car, which they purchased before the embargo. 6. Do you actively practice your religion? How does it affect your daily life and community? We are all supposed to pray 5 times a day, and in a way we respect that tradition. We don't go to mosque every Friday, but we do fast twice a week and during Ramadan. Family Economics 7. Does your family consider itself rich or poor, comfortable or struggling? We consider ourselves an average family. Not too rich, not too poor. And we feel very comfortable like that. We don't need anything else. We are happy with our condition. 8. How many hours/week does each family member work? Abed Ali, Alia, Wasan, and Amira have jobs. We work everyday, from 8:00 to 15:00 except on Fridays. The country is under embargo with an official unemployment rate of 70%. 9. Are you satisfied with your jobs? What do you like/dislike about them? We are all very satisfied with our jobs. 10. How much money does each family member earn/month? Abed Ali: 800 dinars ($266 US) Alia: 400 dinars ($133 US) Amira: 300 dinars ($100 US) Ikhlas: 400 dinars ($133 US)